lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Values and beliefs how different or similar are they?

The mankind for a long time take in account the values ande belifs with the purpose to try to improve with the others because in the majority of the cultures the values and beliefs is the most important these identify the society. It would be say the values are very similar in comparison to the beliefs because both are fundamentals in the culture but these are not the same and have some differences.

Firstly, the values are characterized for been the ideal behavior that person would be follow for have a better relationship with the others for example people who have the values as the respect for the others, the amability, live in better emotional conditions with the society and they feeling more calm this does that people begin to belifs in the differents things because find a way to achivement their objectives in the life for instance the differents religions there are in the world fill internally in each person different of the others,since the beliefs change according to the religion.

In addition, the belifs in the different regions are integrated in agreement by the differents values for example the freedom is one of the most important values in the world because the majority of the religions bear in mind. However it would be argue the values are different as the beliefs because is more important has in account the values for can believe in different objectives to has a better life.

Consequently, the values and the beliefs complemented each other, for that it is not possible to say that the values are the same of the beliefs but neither it could be say these are very different.

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