martes, 10 de junio de 2008


There are many fantastics countries to describe but Ghana is know for its magical scenary and their fascinating people. This country is ubicate in the abandoned Africa's continent where the people motivating to analize their traditions and belifs, and the most important the values that they have and as these rescue from the culture.

I think the most important values to rescue in this countrie are : the liberty and the respect, I would said that because their habitual life begin for respect the belifs of others, this begin when they was educated as since small the children learn to are impartial and be treated with equality, this country is divided into several regions which have different thoughts in the religion, culture and education from there that everyone has freedom of expression and all are treated in the best form.

One thing for highlight is the value of liberty because in the countries were subjected to such brutal oppression doesn't has a lot of capacity for express their ideas and believe the people are ignorant and incompetent for made a decision, for that exist six ethnic groups who demostrate their fabolous habilities in the craft work, wonderful ceramic objects. In other instance, in Ghana speaks many native and ancient languages but the official languge is the English.

I can said that country is amazing to know, because its culture makes that Ghana has mystical and exciting to visit because its people is very different to our society and are interesting to learn about an exhuberant and grandiose cultures for the importance to they have in their traditions and belifies and the recognize that they have to the values.


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