jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

Can criminals "values" be considered values?

The mankind have an important values that the people believe and put in practice these for have a better life-style, but currently many people doesn't expire the values in their life and take for the bad way. For that we could said the criminal "values" cannot be considered values.

Firstly, it would be argued the criminals doesn't have values because the don't practice the honesty, for example when tehy steal the people don't matter became to do damage them, because many times of the frequently rubbers are for deception where the people finish many times without quantities of money or finish death. Furthemore in some cases the criminals kipnapes or extract the people in change of sum of money where witout the liberty of the people.

In addition, the criminal minds are very strange because there are many people that they like kill people for a good sensation for instance the serial killers in the world are famous for to kill many people or have a dement mind, one example clear of that is the slaughters in the towns or in the schools of the worlds.

Consequently, the criminals "values" doesn't be considered values because they have many damage to the society and they sould be punished with sentences very hard, because their with the lake of put in practice the values affect a lot the society.

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