martes, 24 de junio de 2008


The Republic of Ghana is a country in West Africa. It borders Côte d'Ivoire (also known as Ivory Coast) to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south.

Capital(and largest city): Accra 5°33′N, 0°15′W
Official languages: English
Demonym: Ghanaian
Government: Constitutional Presidential Republic
- President John Agyekum Kufuor
- Vice-President Alhaji Aliu Mahama
Independence from the United Kingdom
- Declared 6 March 1957
- Republic 1 July 1960
- Constitution 28 April 1992
- 2007 estimate 23,000,000[2] (48th)
- Density 93/km² (103rd)

Blogs of my group

• Paula’s Essay “The values in the human life”
This essay talk about the values is fundamental in the mankind, because permit people live in cordiality and healthy relation. The values influence for example in the education, but there a factor that the people not dedicate to apply the values all the time.
• Paula’s Video “ Seven deadly sins in Seychelles”
In the video about the seven capital sins, people can find information about the vicious because is an important capital sins that is present in the life of humans. The point that Paula highlight is the habitants of Seychelles try to not commit sins.
• Paula’s Video “ Leader of Seychelles”
This video talk about the leader of Seychelles who called France Albert René, who is characterized for his innovate ideas and stables economics ideologies, but did incorrect actions how the oppression that he implemented.

• Pamela’s Video “ Two deadly sins in Togo: envy and anger”
In this video it is possible to see the most relevant deadly sins in Togo that reflected in the society and these sins are: envy and anger because for be a poor country is evident in relation with the life-style of the others countries.
• Pamela’s Essay “World Wide Values”
This essay talk about the society has a lot of values which have connection with the moral but Pamela highlight the happiness and the politeness, these values are very important between the people because feel truth humanity.
• Pamela’s Essay “Values criminal have”
In this essay Pamela talks about the criminals and says the values are not only good acts but they are the aptitudes to satisfy necessities for own delight. From this point of view people can see the values of a criminal for example their abilities for steal.
• Pamela’s Video “President of Togo”
Pamela talks in her video about the president of Togo who called Faure Gnagssbe who is outlined for his honesty, success, politeness, kindness and the support of the community. This president was very popularity and won the fondness of the society.

• Diana’s Essay “Values in Oman”
This essay talk about the values in Oman which is emphasized in the family union what it allows live with the community in agreeable environment. This means help the others and make good actions for this culture that is most important.
• Diana’s Video “Abstentious lifestyles in Oman”
In this video Diana talks about the abstentious in Oman, this country manage one of most important abstentious lifestyles. One example of this is the technology what play an important role in the society of nowadays.
• Diana’s video “Values in a good leader Sultan Kabus Ben Said”
The video talk about the leaders around the world has many values how charity, love, humility between others. In Oman the principal leader was Sultan Kabus Ben Said because he contributed to development of the country and the benefit of his community.

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Values and beliefs how different or similar are they?

The mankind for a long time take in account the values ande belifs with the purpose to try to improve with the others because in the majority of the cultures the values and beliefs is the most important these identify the society. It would be say the values are very similar in comparison to the beliefs because both are fundamentals in the culture but these are not the same and have some differences.

Firstly, the values are characterized for been the ideal behavior that person would be follow for have a better relationship with the others for example people who have the values as the respect for the others, the amability, live in better emotional conditions with the society and they feeling more calm this does that people begin to belifs in the differents things because find a way to achivement their objectives in the life for instance the differents religions there are in the world fill internally in each person different of the others,since the beliefs change according to the religion.

In addition, the belifs in the different regions are integrated in agreement by the differents values for example the freedom is one of the most important values in the world because the majority of the religions bear in mind. However it would be argue the values are different as the beliefs because is more important has in account the values for can believe in different objectives to has a better life.

Consequently, the values and the beliefs complemented each other, for that it is not possible to say that the values are the same of the beliefs but neither it could be say these are very different.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

Leader of Ghana

In every country there is a leader that has different of the others, has many aspects that characterized him or her for example for being smart, honest, creative, hard-worker between others characterized. In Ghana the distinction leader is Jerry Rawlings who is characterized to proclaim a news ideas for the development of him country but he had some actions that affect the habitants what it does he had remember for the Ghanaians.

Firstly, Jerry Rawlings was a ex-president that proclame the regeneration ideal, tried to supress the males that affected the country for example he focus of improve the economy treating to reduce the price for the different objects and the inflation.However he was a dictator and he has how objective finish with the people related with the corruption for instance execute many people and imposed a revolutionary government.

On the other side, it could be said Jerry Rawlings was an important leader in Ghana because had the responsability and humility for example when was a problem in someone region of the country, he was taking charge personally for that he was dearling for the society. In addition, he won the award of an Africa Leader for try to eradicate the hungry and the benefice for the people who needed of him.

Finally, the leader of Ghana has more positive aspects in relation to the negative, because ever fight to benefit of the poverty society, tried to improve the worst aspects in the country and had development in the different objectives.


Can criminals "values" be considered values?

The mankind have an important values that the people believe and put in practice these for have a better life-style, but currently many people doesn't expire the values in their life and take for the bad way. For that we could said the criminal "values" cannot be considered values.

Firstly, it would be argued the criminals doesn't have values because the don't practice the honesty, for example when tehy steal the people don't matter became to do damage them, because many times of the frequently rubbers are for deception where the people finish many times without quantities of money or finish death. Furthemore in some cases the criminals kipnapes or extract the people in change of sum of money where witout the liberty of the people.

In addition, the criminal minds are very strange because there are many people that they like kill people for a good sensation for instance the serial killers in the world are famous for to kill many people or have a dement mind, one example clear of that is the slaughters in the towns or in the schools of the worlds.

Consequently, the criminals "values" doesn't be considered values because they have many damage to the society and they sould be punished with sentences very hard, because their with the lake of put in practice the values affect a lot the society.

martes, 17 de junio de 2008


Currently, there are many leaders around the world that help to solve the important problems that affect mankind. O]ne of the most important leaders is Juanes, a colombian singer that help the needed people in the country.

Juanes try to involve to the problems in the country, for example help the victims of the anti-personnel mines, for that made a fundation called Mi sangre. However, Juanes doesn't have teh support of the different governments to developing this idea, for instance made a concert to promote the pace between the differents countries: Colombia- Ecuador- Venezuela.

On the other side it would be said this man is a leader because the news promove the better social causes that Juanes help for that this singer is compared with Bono and people want be nominated to the Nobel Awards.

In conclusion, it could be argued Juanes is a positive leader in Colombia because is a proactive person and help the people who need him.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

world wide values

Across the time the values have been most important in the world, in based of the ethic the people have a right and good conduct, for this were established a values that are fundamental in the behavior of the people and influence the different cultures. The world wide values are taken to improve the relationship between the people and have a pacific treat.

It would be said, the values changes the relationship between the people because they are based in the liberty, the honesty, the responsibility for example the humanity should be expire this values for the moral feelings but there are many people that can not follow these for example the people who lie or the thief.

On the other side, there are many cultures that realize several acts that are in con with the values for instance it could be argued the cultures where the woman is not treating equally as the man. However in the major of the world it treats of respect the fundamental values imposed in the past in all of the countries.

The ethic help to have a good and calm life with the others and try to didn’t have heavy problems and for have that it must be born in mind the values that as a result to feel better with himself and with the others.

Fundamentals of ethics. John Finnis. Georgetown University Press. 1983. Washington D.C

Capital Sins

The capital since influence in a culture of a country, in this case the magical, gorgeous and fascinating people who live in Ghana. The most important and disgusting sins that I highlight are the envy that as a repulse and repel sin that have some people and the wrath that affect in bad term the harmonious relationship between the people and there are reject for the church.

The envy is characterized by an insatiable and intimidating desire to a quit or fantastic object that someone’s have. In Ghana the church is most important and the wrath is the ungrateful and unappreciative sin because manifest a uncontrolled and aggressive feelings.

In conclusion in all of cultures of the world would be ti try eliminate this badly and disgusting sins.


martes, 10 de junio de 2008


There are many fantastics countries to describe but Ghana is know for its magical scenary and their fascinating people. This country is ubicate in the abandoned Africa's continent where the people motivating to analize their traditions and belifs, and the most important the values that they have and as these rescue from the culture.

I think the most important values to rescue in this countrie are : the liberty and the respect, I would said that because their habitual life begin for respect the belifs of others, this begin when they was educated as since small the children learn to are impartial and be treated with equality, this country is divided into several regions which have different thoughts in the religion, culture and education from there that everyone has freedom of expression and all are treated in the best form.

One thing for highlight is the value of liberty because in the countries were subjected to such brutal oppression doesn't has a lot of capacity for express their ideas and believe the people are ignorant and incompetent for made a decision, for that exist six ethnic groups who demostrate their fabolous habilities in the craft work, wonderful ceramic objects. In other instance, in Ghana speaks many native and ancient languages but the official languge is the English.

I can said that country is amazing to know, because its culture makes that Ghana has mystical and exciting to visit because its people is very different to our society and are interesting to learn about an exhuberant and grandiose cultures for the importance to they have in their traditions and belifies and the recognize that they have to the values.


Living with mother


The article is about Tseta Dashi and his family because describe how is composed every part of his family and how live according to their beliefs and traditions.

Understanding details:
House A:
  1. Tseta Dashi
  2. Tseta Dashi's mother
  3. Tseta Dashi's brothers
  4. Pizuchuma's two daughters
  5. Pizuchuma, Tseta dashi's sister
  6. Tseta Dashi's mother's brother

House B:

  1. Tseta Dashi's father
  2. Tseta Dashi's father's mother

House C:

  1. Tseta Dashi's older brother's children
  2. Tseta Dashi's older brother's wife

House D:

  1. Pizuchuma's husband
  2. Pizuchuma's mother-in-law

House E:

  1. Tseta Dashi's wife
  2. Tseta Dashi's daughter

Class exercise

1. Read question first: - Specific information
- General information
2. Prediction
  • Scanning
  • Skinning

- Vocabulary in context

- Identify main ideas

- Read, underline important information: make questions about the information

- Choose the best answer

- Survey: specific words/ideas

- Analize logic

- Analize de writers point of view (why)

- Grammatical Connection: S, V, Adj, Pron

- Connect text with life (relate)

Example----------------- Main idea------------Support idea

lunes, 9 de junio de 2008



  • Know the most important information about Ghana, for example it culture, art, society.
  • Identify the principal values in the Ghana's society.
  • Understand the relationship between the values and the traditions in the people of this country



In this blog I want to talk about an Africa country this is called Ghanda; the most important characteristic is the diversity of their society, because their customs and beliefs change in different region of the country, this is reflected in the religion, art, society and culture. In addition, it would said these aspects influencing the values of the people for each region.

Must be taken into account these aspects because in the mankind, the values are of great importance to be able to live with other people and can be characterized in their traditions and beliefs in comparison with other cultures.